Archive for January, 2019

Important Considerations When Choosing A Security Fence

Friday, January 25th, 2019
Important Considerations When Choosing A Security Fence

Invest in a security fence for your property in 2019!

Adding a security fence to your property is a great way to ensure that you are safe from threats of most varieties. Whether its theft, trespassing, unwanted animals, or more, a security fence can help keep you, your property, and your loved ones safe. That said, there are several factors you must consider before you begin installing your fence. (more…)

3 Benefits of Bollards

Friday, January 18th, 2019
3 Benefits of Bollards

Security bollards can help keep your facility safe!

Bollards allow you to easily set boundaries around your property or parking area. They are a great way to increase safety and security on your property by barring vehicle entrance and separating pedestrian areas from roadways. Plus, due to the appearance of bollards, they minimize the impact on the aesthetic for your property, making them ideal for parks or other outdoor areas meant for the enjoyment of drivers and pedestrians alike. A heavy-duty bollard can be the perfect safety and security solution for your property. Here are just 3 benefits of bollards. (more…)

Hercules Fence Proudly Announces the Completion of a Newly Developed Environment for the Endangered Whooping Crane

Friday, January 11th, 2019
Hercules Fence Proudly Announces the Completion of a Newly Developed Environment for the Endangered Whooping Crane

There were many materials used during the duration of this project, including a 12-foot high chain link fence with a dig barrier included at the base to prevent predators from entering the enclosure.

Hercules Fence is proud to announce the completion of a recent project for the National Zoo’s Smithsonian Biological Conservation Institute (SBCI). This project now provides a safe and comfortable haven for the whooping crane, an endangered bird species. While there are unfortunately less than 900 whooping cranes in existence to date, this new environment located in Front Royal, Virginia provides potential as an area where these birds can safely breed and thereby develop a self-sustaining population. This point alone is one of the many reasons why Hercules Fence is proud to be a part of this incredible project. (more…)

How to Stay Safe with Your Electric Fence

Monday, January 7th, 2019
How to Stay Safe with Your Electric Fence

Electric fences are usually used to keep animals and other intruders away from your property.

Electric fences are very useful in many applications, but it’s also important that they are installed and used properly to keep everyone safe. Be sure to do thorough research and take the time to make sure that you have all the necessary information about owning, operating, and maintaining an electric fence. Follow this guide for staying safe with your electric fence.   (more…)