Archive for June, 2019

Types of High Security Turnstiles

Thursday, June 27th, 2019
high security turnstile

There are several types of these turnstiles available, so here’s our helpful guide to the types of high security turnstiles.

When it comes to properly securing and protecting your property, it’s essential to think about access control in addition to fences and anti-climbing measures. Security goes beyond perimeter protection: it’s also important to be able to control and remain aware of anyone who enters the property. For some types of facilities, access control can mean gates, identification cards, or even high security turnstiles. Turnstiles make an excellent security and access control solution because they can take the pressure off of security staff and integrate seamlessly with other access control measures, such as ID scanning. There are several types of these turnstiles available, so here’s our helpful guide to the types of high security turnstiles.


Anti-Climb Fence Best Practices

Friday, June 21st, 2019
anti-climb fence

Here are three anti-climb fence tips to help keep your property safe and secure.

If you have decided to get an anti-climb fence for your home or business, you have already taken a big first step to superior perimeter protection. Anti-climb fences are specially designed to use one of a few different methods to keep trespassers from scaling your fence. While anti-climb fences can do a great job of deterring intruders, there are a few best practices that can ensure peak performance and protection from your fence. Here are three anti-climb fence tips to help keep your property safe and secure.


4 Types of Property That Need a Crash-Rated Fence

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
crash-rated fence

If your property is one of these four types of high-risk target, you should strongly consider opting for a crash-rated fence to ensure that your assets are protected.

Not all commercial properties require the protection of a crash-rated fence. Crash-rated fences are designed to withstand vehicular attack and tested to withstand impact from an incredibly large vehicle at various speeds. If you are in the market for a new security fence, you may be wondering whether or not you need the superior protection of barrier that is crash rated. If your property is one of these four types of high-risk target, you should strongly consider opting for a crash-rated fence to ensure that your assets are protected.


4 Things to Consider When Choosing Security Bollards

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
security bollards

Here are four things you need to consider when researching security bollards for your property.

If you have a valuable asset located next to a busy roadway, you have likely considered installing security bollards. But what kind of bollards are best suited for your property? There are many different types of security bollards designed for various situations and needs. From protecting against commercial vehicle attacks to simply pointing out where drivers should avoid, there are many functions for security bollards. Here are four things you need to consider when researching security bollards for your property.
