Most homeowners have some sort of perimeter fencing on their property. However, this fencing is often just decorative, or it is only tall enough for containing small kids, enclosing animals like dogs, or keeping deer out. It is usually not… Read More
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Important Considerations When Choosing A Security Fence
Adding a security fence to your property is a great way to ensure that you are safe from threats of most varieties. Whether its theft, trespassing, unwanted animals, or more, a security fence can help keep you, your property, and… Read More
3 Benefits of Bollards
Bollards allow you to easily set boundaries around your property or parking area. They are a great way to increase safety and security on your property by barring vehicle entrance and separating pedestrian areas from roadways. Plus, due to the… Read More
Hercules Fence Proudly Announces the Completion of a Newly Developed Environment for the Endangered Whooping Crane
Hercules Fence is proud to announce the completion of a recent project for the National Zoo’s Smithsonian Biological Conservation Institute (SBCI). This project now provides a safe and comfortable haven for the whooping crane, an endangered bird species. While there… Read More
3 Advantages Of Installing A Perimeter Security Gate
Everyone wants the best for their businesses and homes. This includes wanting stellar aesthetics and well-functioning security in place. This security can come in the form of a security gate surrounding your perimeter to help protect your property. A security… Read More