While chain link fences certainly aren’t one size fits all fences, they may be exactly what you have always wanted!
Driving through your neighborhood, you probably notice a sea of wooden, composite, and vinyl fences. Though once incredibly common for residential neighborhoods, chain link fences have become less popular options. While chain link fences certainly aren’t one size fits all fences, they may be exactly what you have always wanted! It’s time to set the record straight on chain link—you’ll find that it’s not quite what you think.
Unsafe for Pets and Kids
One of the most common myths around chain link fencing is that it is dangerous for pets and children. Parents worry that it will cause scratches from sharp corners or edges. While lower quality chain link fences of the past may have scraped your wrist when you were little, times have changed and chain link fences are now made with these specific concerns in mind. Manufacturers and professional fence installation companies ensure that all wire edges are properly turned in so that they will not scratch or scrape.
Rusty and Crusty
Many older chain link fences were made from metals and materials that rust easily, so chain link fencing gained a reputation for not lasting a long time and providing a proper return on investment. Today new metals are available that are rust resistant, like aluminum-zinc alloys. Other chain link fences can be coated in vinyl to protect against weather and rusting. Another popular material, galvanized steel, will eventually rust, but not until at least 10-15 years down the line. If your fence rusts before the warranty expires, your fence contractor can replace the appropriate sections of fence to keep your yard looking safe and sharp.
Give Me A Break
We’ve debunked danger and set rust to rest, so it’s time to bust one of the biggest myths surrounding chain link fencing—that chain link fences are easily damaged. Damaged chain link fencing can certainly be a pain, since it often means replacing entire sections of fencing. However, chain link fences are built to last and the odds are that you won’t have to replace or repair your fence unless a major weather event or severe storm hits your home. Chain link fencing has been proven to survive heavy Northern snowstorms, golden retrievers running right into them during a game of fetch, and lawn maintenance tools hitting up against them.
Choose Hercules High Security
When you are ready to see how chain link fencing can work for your yard, trust the experts at Hercules High Security. For more information and to learn how we can meet your custom fencing needs, contact Hercules High Security online or give us a call at 1-800-395-9597. We will ensure your investment serves your family for years to come! For updates and to see projects we’re working on, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.