Do you wonder if you should enhance your security? Here are some signs that show you may need an upgrade.
You may hear people who live in more rural areas say that they never need to lock their doors. To someone who is used to security and urban living, this may seem absurd; in fact, you’re probably thinking that these people should be more careful, because security breaches can happen anywhere and everywhere. But, is your building secure enough? Do you wonder if you should enhance your security? Here are some signs that show you may need an upgrade.
Lots of employees
If your business is growing rapidly and gaining more workers every day, that’s great news! But it also means more and more people are going to need access to your building. A traditional lock and key may not quite cut it anymore. Keys are easily replicable. You may want to invest in a card access system. Another option is to install a high security gate, to ensure that there are no unwanted visitors coming along.
Sketchy area
We create high security fencing for a lot of places that are in the heart of cities. Sometimes, these areas can be less than friendly. If your business is located in West Baltimore, you may see more crime than you did working in the county. To be safe, heightened forces in certain locations can prove to be effective at stopping crime against you.
Unrestricted access
In a business with lots of employees, you shouldn’t leave every area open to them. There is some sensitive information in your business that you would never want seen or stolen–this can include payroll offices or HR floors. You may even have a separate building with sensitive information inside. To keep it safe, you may want to restrict these areas to certain personnel.
Late shifts
If your employees work overtime or late into the night when you aren’t there, it can be a sign that sensitive information or expensive products are at risk. Large businesses can’t know everyone’s moral compass. Key cards may help cut down on late night crime. Security fences are a great way to keep employees out of certain areas after working hours.
Need more security? Consider a high security fence by Hercules Fencing!
We offer the best, most resilient options in the fencing industry. With our help, your business will go from vulnerable to locked down in no time. If you think your business is growing rapidly enough for some safety, take a look at our selection of services.
With a seemingly endless amount of security booth providers out there, it can be difficult to discern the good from the bad.Hercules High Security has the experience and commitment to quality you need. We’ve been providing high-quality security solutions since 1955, and have no intention of stopping now. Request an estimate today with us to start on your security projects.
We have six convenient locations and there is a Hercules Fence professional ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area to North Carolina. Our branch offices are in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina.