Anti-ram barriers are one of the most important tools when it comes to protecting your building and employees or customers from any harm.
When planning traffic control for your private or public property, there are many high security options available to protect your property and building. Anti-ram barriers are one of the most important tools when it comes to protecting your building and employees or customers from any harm. Why exactly are anti-ram barriers so important?
Anti-Ram Barriers Prevent Ram Raiding
If you haven’t heard of ram raiding yet, count yourself in the lucky minority. Ram raiding is a criminal technique to raid private facilities or storefronts quickly. Criminals will ram their vehicle into the front of your store to gain entrance and then steal property or vandalize your property (or both!). Ram raiding might sound like something that happens rarely, but it is a popular criminal activity that is increasing in popularity every day. If ram raiding happens during business hours, pedestrians, customers, and staff can all be harmed or killed in the process.
Anti-Ram Barriers Save Money
Ram raiding is incredibly costly for businesses that are targeted. A vehicle crashing into the front of your business can mean thousands of dollars in repairs and weeks of being closed and losing store revenue. Damage to your business will also harm your reputation, as a damaged business is unsightly and unattractive to anyone passing by. Beyond the appearance, if your store is not open for a month as you repair, customers will naturally lose interest and potentially see it as unsafe to shop at. Anti-ram barriers also stop the looting and vandalism from occurring within your store after the impact of the vehicle crash. Depending on your business and industry, a break in could mean anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen property.
Anti-Ram Barriers are the Protection You Need
Anti-ram barriers are a perfect solution for traffic control and protecting your storefront from harm. They will instantly stop vehicles from going any further and crashing into your storefront, pedestrians, or your property. Anti-ram barriers can be designed to meet different traffic control requirements depending on your needs. Whether you need anti-ram barriers to withstand high speed impact or removable barriers that can withstand low speed accidents, Hercules High Security can help keep your business and clients safe.
Choose Hercules High Security for Your Anti-Ram Barriers and High Security Fence
Take the additional step in securing your facility by installing anti-ram barriers as part of your perimeter security. Whether you need White House-level security fencing or the perfect version of a white picket fence to guard your business or residential property, trust the experts at Hercules High Security. For more information and to learn how we can meet your custom fencing needs, contact Hercules High Security online or give us a call at 1-800-395-9597. We will ensure your investment serves your family for years to come! For updates and to see projects we’re working on, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.