Top Choices in Commercial High-Security Fencing

high-security fencing

Hercules High Security can work with your commercial business to determine which style of high-security fencing is appropriate for your property.

Commercial businesses and special facilities opt for high-security fencing to protect their commercial property. Selecting the right high-security fencing can serve as an extra layer of defense against unpermitted entry into your commercial property or special facility. Hercules High Security can work with your commercial business to determine which style of high-security fencing is appropriate for your property. Whether you’re looking to implement anti-climb fencing, ornamental fencing, or crash-rated fencing, we’ve got numerous selections to choose from to heighten your level of security.

Anti-Climb High-Security Fencing

Hercules High Security has numerous styles of anti-climb high-security fencing that is specifically designed to prevent intruders from scaling your property. Intruders will frequently search for weak access points within a commercial business or special facility, which can usually be found in an area where there’s a fence opening or opportunity to scale the fenceline. By investing in anti-climb high security fencing, you can ensure that intruders cannot scale your fence to obtain access to your property. In addition, our anti-climb fences can incorporate design themes that cause bodily injury to individuals who attempt to gain access.

Stronghold Ornamental Fencing

Stronghold ornamental fencing is revered for it’s beautiful aesthetic and durability as a high-security fence. The impasse stronghold ornamental fencing style is an excellent combination of strength intertwined with a public-friendly design for aesthetic purposes. As a high-security fence, it features slightly rounded tips that can cause bodily harm to individuals who attempt to scale your fence but will not harm visitors who are coming and going from your property. 

Crash-Rated Fencing

Commercial businesses and special facilities opt for crash-rated fences to protect against vehicular admittance onto their property grounds. This is particularly important for commercial businesses that are located within close proximity to bars where individuals might be drinking and driving, or facilities that are at-risk for terrorist attacks due to the sensitive nature of projects they’re working on. Hercules High Security can help determine which high-security fencing is best for your commercial business.

Choose Hercules High Security to Protect Your Property

Whether you need White House-level security fencing, or you need the perfect version of a white picket fence to guard your business or residential property, trust the experts at Hercules High Security. For more information and to learn how we can meet your custom fencing needs, contact Hercules High Security online or give us a call at 1-800-395-9597. Our professionals are ready to serve you from Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan area to Richmond, Virginia. We have branch offices in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, and Maryland. We will ensure your investment serves your family and your business for years to come! For updates and to see projects we’re working on, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest

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